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Concrete Forming

PORMEX provides professional concrete forming services for residential and commercial projects of any size. We specialized in footings, foundations and walls, superstructures, and concrete floors and slabs. We offer everything from plywood to steel forms, and have experience with Doka, Peri and Atlas forming systems. We are committed to the highest level of workmanship and safety standards.

Concrete Placement and Finishing

PORMEX understands the importance of these operations, which are crucial for your project success. Our crews are specialized in placing and finishing all types of concrete, ensuring that project specifications and client expectations are met. We also have a “finish as you go” mindset, ensuring that any concrete imperfection is addressed on the spot.


We offer quality and affordable concrete repair services. We have experience with different repair methods which ensure a durable work. 


PORMEX provides the right people to execute the job well. We can help you with skilled workers for short-term or seasonal periods. We can provide carpenters, skilled labour, general labour and other professionals to fit your labour needs.

We Lead the Field

The Canadian concrete forming business has consistently demonstrated its top-tier expertise, as evidenced by industry reports from ConcreteWorks Canada, solidifying its reputation as a trusted choice in the construction sector for over 50 years.

Perfect Pouring

Our dedication to perfect pouring ensures that the core of your construction project is built to last and meet the highest standards of quality and durability.

Project On Time

Prioritizing efficient project management, clear timelines, and a dedicated workforce to ensure that your construction project is completed as scheduled

Cost-Effective Solutions

We focus on innovative approaches and smart resource management to provide value without compromising quality.